Trang chủ > Thông tin việc làm > Embedded Software Engineer/ BrSE


Embedded Software Engineer/ BrSE

Ngày đăng: 2018-11-12

Qui mô công ty: 100
Mức lương: ~ 2000 USD
Lĩnh vực: Công Nghê Thông Tin
Chuyên ngành: Phần mềm
Nơi làm việc: Hà Nội
Loại nhân viên: Nhân viên
Ngôn ngữ trình bày: Tiếng Nhật
Mô tả công việc: • Working as bridge engineer for Japanese customer to develop utilizing automotive development process
• Communicate customers directly in Japanese with technical perspective
• Lead all members and manage project's progress as project leader/manager
• Analyze requirements for the project and propose the solution
• Audit project weekly to ensure project's process
• Report project's progress to customers in regular meeting
• Attend design review meeting to verify the design
• Hold regular meeting with customer
• Train internal member for each skill related to coding, testing, project management
• Go to Japan for business trip regularly (ex, 1 time for 1 month or 1 time for 2 months)
Yêu cầu công việc: • Strong understanding of embedded development process related to Automotive development (ex, Automotive SPICE)
• Can use Japanese well with technical terms (Reading, Writing, Speaking,
• Strong understanding of embedded technologies
• Understanding of not only S/W engineering but also of basic hardware engineering

Successful candidates will be offered:
• Go to Japan for business trip constantly
• Can communicate Japanese customers directly and learn Japanese working style and acquire experiences for advanced embedded technologies
• Professional and friendly global working environment;
• Clearly defined long-term multi-career roadmap;
• Development & training opportunities: Oversea business trip, Japanese training, Technical training; Soft-skill training; etc.
• Attractive and competitive salary & bonus package depend on abilities, performance and competencies;

Kindly send your CV (Japanese) to: (Ms. Ngoc) or contact at: 097 689 0105 for more details.

Nộp đơn


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Intelligence Vietnam Corporation team.

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